Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : ^EnglishHarpsichordMag$
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : chronologically (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Kellner, Herbert AntonWas Bach a Mathematician? EnglishHarpsichordMag 2 2 1978 32-36
2. Dodge, D. E.Bach and the German Clavier. EnglishHarpsichordMag 2 3 1978 67-71
3. Dodge, D. E.The Identity of Bach's Clavier. EnglishHarpsichordMag 2 5 1979 116-119
4. Kellner, Herbert AntonDas wohltemperirte Clavier. Tuning and Musical Structure. EnglishHarpsichordMag 2 6 1980 137-140
5. Kellner, Herbert AntonThe mathematical Architecture of Bach's Goldberg Variations. EnglishHarpsichordMag 2 8 1981 183-189
6. Kellner, Herbert AntonIs there an Enigma in Werckmeister's 'Musicalische Temperatur'? EnglishHarpsichordMag 3 7 Oct 1984 134-136
7. Kellner, Herbert AntonOne typographical Enigma in Werckmeister, 'Musicalische Temperatur'. EnglishHarpsichordMag 3 8 Apr 1985 146-151
8. Lindley, MarkEarly Keyboard Fingerings - A select Bibliography. EnglishHarpsichordMag 3 8 Apr 1985 155-161
9. Kellner, Herbert AntonDid Werckmeister already know the tuning of J. S. Bach for the '48'? EnglishHarpsichordMag 4 1 Oct 1985 7-11
10. Thomas, MichaelThe temperament for Bach's '48'. EnglishHarpsichordMag 4 2 1986 18-21
11. Kellner, Herbert AntonHow Bach quantified his well-tempered tuning within the Four Duets. EnglishHarpsichordMag 4 2 1986 21-27
12. Thomas, MichaelThe Fretted Clavichord. EnglishHarpsichordMag 4 2 1986 33-44

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BachBib Search Engine 1ct Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita